Darknet/YOLO v3.0-164-g94e0717
Object Detection Framework
No Matches

Browse Hank.ai's announcement in May 2023 on officially sponsoring the Darknet/YOLO codebase.

Download Darknet/YOLO

Using Darknet/YOLO

Other Darknet/YOLO Projects

Programming With Darknet/YOLO

Darknet/YOLO is not just a CLI tool. When you build Darknet/YOLO, you're building a library you can call from within C applications, C++ applications, or from Python.

A description of the Darknet/YOLO API can be found here: Darknet/YOLO API

There are other language bindings, but those are not maintained within the Darknet/YOLO project. If you own or know of such a project, let us know and we'll link from here to your project.

The Darknet/YOLO Source Code

The Doxygen pages are meant to assist software developers in understanding the internals of the Darknet/YOLO source code.

Things to look up include:

Other useful functions:

Configuration files: